I'am a Star I can grab women in their private parts, they love it. So what will happen if he become president????
If he does, no women working in the Oval Office.....
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
I'am a Star I can grab women in their private parts, they love it. So what will happen if he become president????
If he does, no women working in the Oval Office.....
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
That's scary "they still love him because he's their only possible ticket to power"....
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
sir82: You don't think the Christian Conservatives may back off of Trump and M. Pence will step down, mark my word. When I was single I never talked about women in that way, the guy is a sick O......I agree with you "that he's a vile misogynistic creep", If this don't change some folks, I don't know what will.
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
If he get pass this, America deserve him...... Conversation 10 years ago.
so that was a "shocker".
i was not able to attend the meeting.
i had a more important one with my other apostate friends in the area.
They are talking so much Bull Sh--t, don't know whether to offer some CO's a breath mint or toilet paper.
would i?
i wouldn't mind if he slept through eternity (he sleeps most of the time anyway).
i'd just like to be able to move him around occasionally.
cold steel:"resurrected the same"... I hope not, I would hate to come back as a 70 year old and it would be weird to come back younger than my grandkids.
i think all of us on this forum would like to welcome all the newbies that have joined in the last six months or so ,if i`m not mistaken there seems to be an influx lately.. elders , ms ,and sisters.
speak up and make a comment , are you happy you came here ?.
we`d love to here from you.. smiddy.
Welcome to your new life!!! There may be times when you may experience some difficulty but the great thing, there is a rational explanation. None of this business I'am not doing enough, Satan is testing me, you are not surrounded by wicked people and you do not have to lose sleep worry about if you will survive when the Big one come. It was a messed up life and you are coming out of it I hope in good shape.
http://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/smart-living/22-fascinating-maps-that-show-how-americans-speak-english-differently-across-the-us/ss-bbwqtug?li=bbnb7kz&ocid=iehp .
everyone knows americans don't agree on pronunciations.. that's great, because regional accents and dialects are a major part of why american english is so interesting.. josh katz, a former ph.d. student of statistics at north carolina state university, published a group of awesome visualizations of professor bert vaux and scott golder's linguistic survey, which looked at differences in american dialects (via detsl on /r/linguistics).. his results were first published on the abstract, the nc state university research blog.
the complete set of katz's maps, updated with the results from more than 350,000 new survey responses, are compiled in the new book "speaking american," publishing october 25 from houghton mifflin harcourt.. katz gave business insider permission to publish some of the coolest maps from his collection..
I still have my southern accent, moved to California in 1959 at age 12 years old. Around the mid 90's on my job a Vietnamese friend ask me where was I born, what country? I laugh and told him here in the U.S. He said I thought maybe you were born in the Virgin Islands, you sound so different. I told him I was born in the south and there is a different dialect in the south. You may need a translator if you ever visit the south.
i raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
WE must remember old David whacked off 200 men foreskins for a bet, a great guy but David did become angry because of the Lord's outbreak against Uzzah.
lewis gets 42 months for molesting boy; to pay $10k.
in all news / by: bvi news online on october 3, 2016 at 4:32 pm / oliver lewis during one of his court appearances.
Yes leave Jehovah out of it, He did nothing to protect the boy over 3 years. Great he called the cops but a boot up the rear wouldn't hurt. Lewis asked, "can you forgive me"? Hell no, maybe Jehovah will but I will be waiting for you when you get out of jail.